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Our Vision and Values


BBI students are self-motivated, with a love for learning. They are excited by the opportunities provided at school, and have the independence of spirit to become lifelong learners. They are active participants in their learning, rather than it being seen as something that is ‘done’ to them.


Learners give consideration to their own learning and experience, assessing and understanding their strengths and limitations in order to set targets and goals to support their learning and personal development. They are effective thinkers, with the creative, critical and metacognitive skills required to enable them to learn how to learn.


Students develop self awareness, courage and confidence in themselves as risk-takers in their learning. They are proud of their achievements, recognising their uniqueness. They are confident decision makers, and have high expectations of themselves and others.


Students have an understanding of the bicultural and multicultural nature of our school and New Zealand society. They are internationally-minded, future focused citizens, aware of their responsibilities towards the environment in which they exist, and to the people they share it with. Students act with integrity and respect, acknowledging the consequences of their actions.


In turn, BBI provides the structures, the environment and the support to enable each student to meet with success. There is a positive school culture based on mutual respect and understanding, inspiring all to strive for their personal best at all times.


For students to be successful, we establish a partnership between students, teachers and parents/ caregivers, with all working together in the best interests of the learner. The school actively promotes this partnership.


Student learning is the focus for all that we do.



247 Bucklands Beach Road, Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand 
Telephone: (+64 9) 534 2896   Email:

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